

Page history last edited by Kyle Karber 10 years, 3 months ago

10/16 & 10/17

This is where we slept while at Kabuku village:

Not in the tent, in the house; we traded places with the locals for the three night stay. Farmland in the foreground.




Had some very interesting findings on the energy research front. This is a common means of lighting in this village: Chinese batteries that were generally not new and a single LED. It was not very bright...


Gathering water:

We walked about half an hour each way, and we were close to the well relative to many in the village. I was tired from the walk in the hot midday sun made more potent by the humidity and didn't bother trying to heft the 30L jug up on my head to carry.


We brought out own water.



She really enjoyed teaching me how to harvest a papaya. Most people liked the novelty of having an Mzungu around.



The area is lush despite the fact that it is the height of the dry season. I can only imagine how green it is in the wet season.




Before the long drive from Kabuku back to Arusha, we went on a hike to look for Yellow Baboons in the area. Though we didn’t see any, we were even luckier to see Black-and-White Colobus monkeys.

However, the best picture I got of the Colobus was of monkey butt.


The Red-and-Yellow Barbet posed for me, though.



Posts from 10/7 to 10/15

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