
Liza Boyle

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Saved by Nicholas Clements
on February 19, 2013 at 2:59:53 pm


While playing PhD student Liza is researching atmospheric particulate deposition on solar panels.  A project that nicely combines lab work, fieldwork, and computer work into one project.  Rumor has it there is more information about this project somewhere else. 


Previously in life Liza got a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of the Pacific in Stockton California.  However before beginning graduate school she took some time to explore.  First working at Eden Campus in South Africa helping disadvantaged youth with course work and business development.  Then teaching high school as an AmeriCorps member at the Northwest Youth Corp’s Outdoor High School, successfully giving students high school credit for learning algebra and planting trees, among other things


When not playing PhD student Liza enjoys outdoor adventures – skiing, hiking, biking backpacking camping, canoeing, you get the idea - ultimate Frisbee, and baking. 


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