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Sustainable Energy (redirected from Sustainable Energy for the Developing World)

Page history last edited by Nicholas Clements 11 years, 6 months ago

Haiti Educational Outreach

Joanna Gordon, Alan Mickelson, Mathew Hulse, Mark Hasemeyer, Nathan Canney, Steven Cluck, Alex Demarias



A small group of CU Engineering students and faculty set out to develop a sustainable energy course curriculum for a vocational training in Haiti.  The, now in-progress, course will last a total of 25 weeks, with 10 hrs of contact among the students and instructors each week.  The curriculum, adapted by the Haitian course instructors, focuses on the understanding and efficient use of energy conversion systems.  A strong emphasis is placed on utilizing resources that are abundant in Haiti, namely the sun.  The sizable arrays of solar panels on the roof of the school serve to power the course and the adjacent community.  They also enable to students to gain hands-on experience.  The panels were provided to the community with grant money from the project, and installed by the course instructors. 


Haiti is a proud country full of innovation and talent.  But the country lacks the infrastructure needed to support the opportunities we enjoy in the states.  This sustainable energy vocational training aims to plant a seed of conscious development. By investing in the future and focusing on efficiency and conservation, community needs can be met.



Low-Cost Wind Turbine Designs for the Developing World

Kyle Karber






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