Professor Michael Hannigan
Email: Hannigan@colorado.edu
Research Associates and Post Docs:

John Ortega (Post Doc, Gas Sensor Project Lead)
Email: ortega.john@gmail.com
Tiffany Duhl (Post Doc, BAO Tower Sampling and WSOC Characterization)
Email: duhl@ucar.edu

Nick Masson (MS, Cookstove Emissions and REACCTING)
Email: Nicholas.Masson@colorado.edu

Didier Muvandimwe ( PhD Student, Cookstove Emissions and REACCTING)
Graduate Students:

Liza Boyle (PhD, Deposition of Dust on Solar Panels)
Email: Liza.Boyle@Colorado.edu

Berkeley Almand (PhD, Dry Deposition of Gases)
Email: berkeleyalmand@gmail.com

Joanna G. Casey (PhD Student, Air Quality Near Oil Gas Production )
Email: joanna.casey@colorado.edu

Kyle Karber (PhD student, micro-scale renewable energy in the developing world)
Email: kyle.karber@colorado.edu
Ashely Collier (MS, EPA Environmental Justice Project)
Email: Ashley.Collier@colorado.edu

Ricardo Piedrahita (PhD student, REACCTING)
Email: ricpie@gmail.com
Professional Collaborators:
Shelly Miller (Mechanical Eng., CU-Boulder)
Jana Milford (Mechanical Eng., CU-Boulder)
Daven Henze (Mechanical Eng., CU-Boulder)
Noah Fierer (Ecology/Evotionary Biology,CU-Boulder)
Fernando Rosario-Ortiz (Civil Eng., CU-Boulder)
Christine Wiedinmyer (NCAR)
Katie Dickinson (NCAR, CO-Boulder)
Jennifer Peel (Environmental & Radiological Health Sciences, CSU)
William Navidi (Applied Mathematics & Statistics, CSM)
Zev Ross (ZevRoss Spatial Analysis)
Kelley Barsanti (Portland State University)
Detlev Helmig (INSTAAR)
Li Shang (Electrical Eng., CU-Boulder)
Qin Lv (Computer Science, CU-Boulder)
Robert Dick (Electrical Eng., University of Michigan)
Tom Bowen (Sustainable Tribal Housing Project, CU-Boulder)
Undergraduate Researchers and Project Help:
Matt Sturm (BS, YOU@RE CU)
Ashely Collier (BS/MS)
Aaron Sheppard (BS)
Holly Flinchpaugh (BS)
Lamar Blackwell (BS)
Steven Hendricks (MS)
Angela Molli (BS)
Raisha Santos (BS)
Kelsi Middleton (BS, NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates)
Jenny Eav (BS, NCAR Significant Opportunities for Atmospheric Research and Science)
Kasey Wachtendorf (BS, YOU@RE CU)
Allison Moore (BS)
Brian Hancz (MS)
Kelli Fischer (BS)
Sharome Goode (BS, NCAR Significant Opportunities for Atmospheric Research and Science)
Kelly Albano (BS)
Brent Timberlake (MS)
Lauren Gardenswartz (NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates)
Rebecca Lyman (NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates)
Alex Yersak (BS)
Brett Casso (BS)
Paul Monteford (BS)
Leanne Miller (BS)
James Schroeder (BS)
Robert Irmiger (BS)
Dan Williams (BS)
Shoshanna Blank (NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates)
Jessica Garcia (NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates)
Stacie Louie (NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates)
Graduate Student Alumni:
Steve Dutton (PhD, National Center for Environmental Assessment at the US EPA)
Greg Brinkman (PhD, Strategic Energy Analysis Center at NREL)
Teresa Coons (MS, Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency)
Adam Eisele (MS, EPA Region 8)
Joel Bettner (MS)
David Tanner (MS, Vehicle Projects)

Mingjie Xie (PhD, DASH/Organic Gas-Particle Partitioning)
Email: Mingjie.Xie@colorado.edu

Nicholas Clements (PhD, CCRUSH Study)
Curriculum Vitae
Email: nsclements@gmail.com
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