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Hannigan Research Group

Page history last edited by Michael Hannigan 9 years, 8 months ago
Welcome to Professor Michael Hannigan's research group website!
Pictured is the CCRUSH Monitoring Site at Maplewood Elementary
The Hannigan research group studies the multifaceted public health and environmental issue of air pollution. Research focuses include: understanding both fine (PM2.5) and coarse (PM10-2.5) particulate matter composition, sources, physics, and health effects; developing and applying air quality instruments that utilize low-cost gas-phase pollutant monitors (i.e. personal exposure, flux chamber, natural gas emissions); and designing energy- and air quality-based outreach programs for the first and developing worlds.


The latest:
Nick and Didier are in Navrongo, Ghana, doing field work for the REACCTING project, a multi-disciplinary cookstove intervention study.

Kyle Karber is headed to Tanzania to explore pico wind turbine deployment. Check it out.



Research Projects:
Technology Assessment in the Developing World


Relevant Links: 


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